Thursday, April 29, 2010

Locavore? Frankenfood? What Are Those?!

I can live without a lot of things, but I am not willing to live without food! This oil crisis must be pretty serious if it's affecting our food supply! Big grocery stores like Ralphs, Vons, and Safeway tend to stock their trucks with food grown in very oil-intensive ways. Plus, it takes a lot of fuel to ship food products ALL over the world.

I'm training for a half-marathon so I tried to eat organic and whole wheat food. Since it now costs companies more money to produce and transport their food, I guess I should consider shopping locally. Have you ever been to a Farmer's Market before? Anyone ever try to grow your own fruits or vegetables in a backyard garden?
SOURCE: Epicurious

From Cid Yama's Blog: A Grocery Nightmare

Have you seen the prices lately? Even the marked down meat was too expensive. I'm not paying over $5.00 for a pound of ground round. Seems no one else is buying either. It's not like there is a shortage, the shelves are full, but it's like they spent the last couple nights marking everything up. I felt like I was in a food museum. I could look but I wasn't about to buy anything at those prices. After wandering the aisles I left without buying anything.

Across from the hospital there is an empty lot where locals bring produce in their pick-ups to sell. I decided to try there and the prices were a whole lot more reasonable. Imagine that. This could actually force me to improve my diet, eating fresh produce instead of processed foods.

I wonder if there is a local meat market? I can't remember seeing one. With Kroger, Albertson's, and Wal-mart in town there may no longer be one. I'll need to get out the phone book and look. Since we are surrounded by Cattle ranches you would think someone should be selling locally. With what they are charging at the grocery stores they could make a bundle.

How Far Does Your Food Travel?
1. List food items that will probably be the first to disappear from their local grocery store or would become too expensive to purchase.
2. Two groups at a time will come up to look at food food items.
3. Write down sensory details (ie. smell, taste, touch, sight, sound)
4. Guess the approximate distance each food item has traveled to reach you.
5. Write down the city of origin for each produce.
6. Use the Virtual GPA website to determine the approximate distance each item had to go in order to get to your local market. Our current zip code is 90011.

BLOG ENTRY #5: Thoughts? Did you find this activity surprising? Are you at all concerned with a FOOD SHORTAGE? With limited availability of food paired with rising prices, many people are looking at relocalization-- the idea of bringing sustainability back to the local community. Your challenge is to find local food. Use online research to find out about "locavores," "frankenfood," organic vs. non-organic, and to locate a farmer, farmer's market, and/or community garden. Make sure to add sensory detail and as always, post pictures or videos on your blog. Go find that local produce!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Canceled Flights? Gas Station Outages?

Maybe I was wrong. I'm starting to see more and more changes as this oil crisis goes on. It doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon. Resources are becoming more expensive but now things are becoming scarce too! Why are the airlines cutting flights? Now my friend can't visit me. Even if she had the money, it's nearly impossible to find available flights! This is getting ridiculous!
SOURCE: Gaiam Blog

That's not all. On the news, I read about how gas stations are experiencing outages, unemployment is increasing due to layoffs, and stores are closing their doors. Wow. I never realized how much we rely on oil. Goods and services that depend the most on cheap oil are being affected the most rapidly and most severely.


BLOG POST #4: Life is definitely changing for everyone. As resources become depleted and commodities become more scarce, it will be time to make hard choices. In your post, answer the following questions:
  • What do you think would be some social, political, OR economic effects (you don't have to do all three) of canceled U.S. airline flights and gas stations outages?
  • What are your feelings about giving up goods and services, especially those we use on a daily basis? What are the alternatives? What changes are you prepared to make? For example, would you be willing to walk or carpool?
  • Are you worried about losing necessities such as food, water and power? Do you think other people are worried about losing these things? The state's unemployment is already over 12%. What do you think will happen if layoffs continue to increase?
  • How are you having to prioritize your needs and your wants? What actions are you and your family personally planning to take?

Monday, April 26, 2010

How Bad Can It Get?

So it's been a few weeks since the oil shortage announcement. Personally, I don't think it's time to panic yet. However, it doesn't surprise me that fuel prices continue to rise. I think it's because the people who control it are anticipating a drop in the supply. I'm sure it doesn't help fuel prices tend to go up every summer. Why do you think that is? Do you think it's because people travel?

Anyhow, it's clear to me that there will not be a quick fix to this shortage. I don't understand why but people are starting to hoard fuel. Has anyone seen that A&E show called Hoarders?

Well, I can tell you one thing: Tensions are definitely starting to rise. Today we'll tackle supply and demand and hopefully learn a little something from taking an oil quiz. First, read the latest news report:


BLOG ENTRY #3: 1) Define supply and demand in your own words and 2) Share something interesting or surprising from the oil quiz.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Oil Shortage!

Did you hear? Oil usage has reached an all time high! That seems... not good. Worldwide, the oil supply can only meet 95% of the demand! Where will they cut to make up for that remaining 5%? I am not looking forward to prices increases. I've even heard rumors of a possible oil shortage. Do you think it could be true?

Hmm, I remember learning about supply and demand! Does the graph below make sense to you? If not, maybe Ms. Sanchez can help.


Yesterday, we blogged about an oil-related item we cannot imagine living without. Did you read about my pillow? I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Anyhow, today we'll learn a little about how these products are linked to oil. Learn more HERE.

BLOG ENTRY #2: You will share with your fellow bloggers your new understanding of oil (based on the news report and the website) and the changes that you will personally need to make if the situation worsens. Make sure to add photographs, drawings, audio files, and/or video.

Today I watched a news report about petroleum and I learned..... (3-4 sentences). What I found most surprising was... (1-2 sentences)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without Pillows

If I was on a show like Survivor, I'd take a pillow as my luxury item. So when I turned on the news today and heard about a possible oil shortage, my first reaction was to get in my car, drive to the store, and buy more pillows! Then I realized I'd only make things worse because I'd be using oil. Can you believe oil is used in just about EVERYTHING (including the manufacturing of my precious pillows)? :(
SOURCES: and Personal Photo
I discovered Tempur- Pedic pillows after college and let me just say... A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! My little, blue travel pillow has traveled with me far and wide-- to SF, Houston, Boston, NY, and Philadelphia. I even took it with me camping and on a FOURTEEN-day backpacking trip through Vietnam. In HS, I had to be up at 5am to take the bus and in college I would stay awake until 5am. My entire life, I've gotten by on VERY little sleep so those few precious hours better be good-- quality over quantity! I think the biggest impact of this shortage is that we might have to give up some of our luxury items. I wonder how that will affect our overall quality of life.

Life without my car

The lines at the gas station were insane today!!!! I just gave up and walked to work. It was such a long walk. I know I shouldnt but in the last mile I actually hitched a ride. It was with a woman so I felt safe.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome to a World Without Oil

How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow to a worldwide oil shortage? Watch this video to learn more about World Without Oil.
Did you know that we are depleting our oil reserves at an alarming rate? Join the World Without Oil movement! Since technology is the best way to disseminate information, we need YOU to start a blog (written AND video), stream a podcast, and create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) video to bring awareness to this critical issue!

Your goal is to learn about the economics of supply, demand, and elasticity and to make people more conscious of the political, economic, and social effects of a world without oil.

Each day of the crisis you will be asked to closely examine your life and the world around you and to write (or capture on audio or video) your thoughts and opinions. Not only will you check out videos, blogs, and podcasts about the oil crisis, you will also support your fellow bloggers through comments. Please join us for a PSA video viewing party on Monday, May 24, 2010! Hope to see you in virtual space!