Friday, April 23, 2010

Oil Shortage!

Did you hear? Oil usage has reached an all time high! That seems... not good. Worldwide, the oil supply can only meet 95% of the demand! Where will they cut to make up for that remaining 5%? I am not looking forward to prices increases. I've even heard rumors of a possible oil shortage. Do you think it could be true?

Hmm, I remember learning about supply and demand! Does the graph below make sense to you? If not, maybe Ms. Sanchez can help.


Yesterday, we blogged about an oil-related item we cannot imagine living without. Did you read about my pillow? I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. Anyhow, today we'll learn a little about how these products are linked to oil. Learn more HERE.

BLOG ENTRY #2: You will share with your fellow bloggers your new understanding of oil (based on the news report and the website) and the changes that you will personally need to make if the situation worsens. Make sure to add photographs, drawings, audio files, and/or video.

Today I watched a news report about petroleum and I learned..... (3-4 sentences). What I found most surprising was... (1-2 sentences)

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