Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without Pillows

If I was on a show like Survivor, I'd take a pillow as my luxury item. So when I turned on the news today and heard about a possible oil shortage, my first reaction was to get in my car, drive to the store, and buy more pillows! Then I realized I'd only make things worse because I'd be using oil. Can you believe oil is used in just about EVERYTHING (including the manufacturing of my precious pillows)? :(
SOURCES: and Personal Photo
I discovered Tempur- Pedic pillows after college and let me just say... A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! My little, blue travel pillow has traveled with me far and wide-- to SF, Houston, Boston, NY, and Philadelphia. I even took it with me camping and on a FOURTEEN-day backpacking trip through Vietnam. In HS, I had to be up at 5am to take the bus and in college I would stay awake until 5am. My entire life, I've gotten by on VERY little sleep so those few precious hours better be good-- quality over quantity! I think the biggest impact of this shortage is that we might have to give up some of our luxury items. I wonder how that will affect our overall quality of life.

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